These women who MIGHT have loved me

By Sr Editor ~ Constance Nicole – Connie Spruill

These women who might have loved me

have all gone away

The ones who might have loved me

for me

no matter what

they’ve all gone away

These wailing women

these praying women

cussing women

loving women

drinking and smoking women

these women who fought these women who cried

who were mistreated

these women who lied

these women who



loved me

have all gone away

the men… the men

they never were

these women who hurt

these women who suffered but lived with their pain

lost children

worked long

worked hard to provide

these lonely women who knelt at the thighs of Mere men

knelt in prayer knelt in shame

Who knelt at the altar of low self esteem

grew weary of trying of smiling of crying

these women who dreamed

while they were yet dying

and the men

the men


were never here.

they’ve left me

these girls who might’ve had my back

took up my slack


Continue ~


these women

the ones who might have loved me

are not coming back

regal and righteous

shattered and torn

tired exhausted

weary and worn

these women on whose pain I was born

they’ve left me here alone

to struggle on my own

my daughters to raise

to pass down my fears

my daughters

who know nothing of the tears

that drip in my ears

the ones who might have loved me

knew my roots

knew my tree

my An~sisters

my history

knew my birth

reinforced and colored my worth

supported my dreams

and silenced my screams

baked the cakes

and patched up the Hurts

shouted and raged

wept but held on

carried me on shoulders


yet deceptively strong

these women who might have loved me

have all gone away

the men

the men…

they never were…

Because they might have loved me…I am able to go on.

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1 comment

thelyfepoet September 14, 2017 - 6:03 pm
you nailed did a great job...very poignant..thumbs up (Y) (Y)
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